Images of HR 8799
Astrophysikalisches Institut undUniversitäts-SternwarteRecent Projects: The Northern Arc of ε Eridani's Debris Ring as Seen by ALMA Does warm debris dust stem from asteroid belts? New constraints on the structure of hot exozodiacal dust belts Dust porosity may affect the analysis of debris disc observations Herschel's "Cold Debris Disks"An Improved Model of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Debris DiskDebris disk candidates in systems with transiting planetsWarm dust around ε EridaniThe Edgeworth-Kuiper debris diskHerschel Space Observatory investigates gas and dust in forming and mature planetary systemsA possible architecture of the planetary system HR 8799Models of debris disks: Seeing dust, thinking of planetesimalsLong term evolution of debris discsPlanets for β Pictoris?Size and radial distributions of dust in debris discsResonances and collisions in circumstellar debris discs induced by an embedded planet