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Images of ILLIAC IV

Computer Fundamentals        Computer Fundamentals

Computer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals

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ILLIAC IV 1975 University of Illinois/Burroughs Corporation, United States In 1966, Daniel Slotnik began designing the ILLIAC IV to incorporate 256 processors, each of which would execute the same instruction on different data (SIMD). Burroughs Corporation began construction of the machine at the University of Illinois, but moved the project to the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, in 1971 due in part to fears involving the project’s military-based funding and student u... Computer History Museum, Computer Love, Memory Projects, Net Neutrality, Black Box, Mind Blown, Online Art, Photo Art, Nostalgia

ILLIAC IV 1975 University of Illinois/Burroughs Corporation, United States In 1966, Daniel Slotnik began designing the ILLIAC IV to incorporate 256 processors, each of which would execute the same instruction on different data (SIMD). Burroughs Corporation began construction of the machine at the University of Illinois, but moved the project to the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, in 1971 due in part to fears involving the project’s military-based funding and student u... Computer History Museum, Computer Love, Memory Projects, Net Neutrality, Black Box, Mind Blown, Online Art, Photo Art, Nostalgia

ILLIAC IV 1971 Computer History Museum

ILLIAC IV 1971 Computer History Museum

【6/18限定P3倍】 【あす楽】【送料無料】 アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×48本/2ケース YLG

【6/18限定P3倍】 【あす楽】【送料無料】 アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×48本/2ケース YLG

A History of Supercomputing

A History of Supercomputing


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