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Images of IOS SDK

Usar un SDK de iOS generado (Swift) para llamar a la API

Usar un SDK de iOS generado (Swift) para llamar a la API

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Getting Started with the iOS SDK

Getting Started with the iOS SDK

IOS SDK - Build Ios App

IOS SDK - Build Ios App

IOS_SDK.ppt - NetIQ

IOS_SDK.ppt - NetIQ

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We release Android and iOS SDK for quickly coming up with functional WebRTC applications for low-latency streaming video

We release Android and iOS SDK for quickly coming up with functional WebRTC applications for low-latency streaming video

Embedding WebRTC iOS SDK into your mobile applicationOpening the project and preparing iOS SDK for workWCS iOS SDK main functionsMain functions of the Streaming Min exampleMain functions of the Phone Min exampleSummary of using the iOS SDK code and Streaming Min and Phone Min examplesDownload Web Call Server 5

Embedding WebRTC iOS SDK into your mobile applicationOpening the project and preparing iOS SDK for workWCS iOS SDK main functionsMain functions of the Streaming Min exampleMain functions of the Phone Min exampleSummary of using the iOS SDK code and Streaming Min and Phone Min examplesDownload Web Call Server 5

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Embedding WebRTC iOS SDK into your mobile applicationOpening the project and preparing iOS SDK for workWCS iOS SDK main functionsMain functions of the Streaming Min exampleMain functions of the Phone Min exampleSummary of using the iOS SDK code and Streaming Min and Phone Min examplesDownload Web Call Server 5

Embedding WebRTC iOS SDK into your mobile applicationOpening the project and preparing iOS SDK for workWCS iOS SDK main functionsMain functions of the Streaming Min exampleMain functions of the Phone Min exampleSummary of using the iOS SDK code and Streaming Min and Phone Min examplesDownload Web Call Server 5

Mobile SDK for WebRTC online broadcasts and video calls from an iOS applicationSpecificationsFlowchart: online broadcasting from an iOS mobile appExample playback of a video stream on an iOS mobile applicationExample broadcasting of a streaming video from an iOS mobile application to browsersFlowchart: video chat between an iOS mobile application and the web browserExample of a two-directional video call between Google Chrome and an iOS applicationVoIP calls from an iOS application to landline and mobile GSM phones through the SIP gatewayExample of a call from an iOS application to a mobile GSM phoneExample of a two-directional video chat between an iOS application and the Bria SIP software telephoneWCS iOS SDK capabilitiesDownload Web Call Server 5

Mobile SDK for WebRTC online broadcasts and video calls from an iOS applicationSpecificationsFlowchart: online broadcasting from an iOS mobile appExample playback of a video stream on an iOS mobile applicationExample broadcasting of a streaming video from an iOS mobile application to browsersFlowchart: video chat between an iOS mobile application and the web browserExample of a two-directional video call between Google Chrome and an iOS applicationVoIP calls from an iOS application to landline and mobile GSM phones through the SIP gatewayExample of a call from an iOS application to a mobile GSM phoneExample of a two-directional video chat between an iOS application and the Bria SIP software telephoneWCS iOS SDK capabilitiesDownload Web Call Server 5

iOS SDK SetupStep 1. RequirementsStep 2. Add a Notification Service ExtensionStep 3. Import the OneSignal SDK into your Xcode projectStep 4. Add Required CapabilitiesStep 5. Add the OneSignal Initialization CodeStep 6. Add App GroupsStep 7. Run Your App and Send Yourself a NotificationStep 8. Set Custom User PropertiesStep 9. Implement a Soft-Prompt In-App Message

iOS SDK SetupStep 1. RequirementsStep 2. Add a Notification Service ExtensionStep 3. Import the OneSignal SDK into your Xcode projectStep 4. Add Required CapabilitiesStep 5. Add the OneSignal Initialization CodeStep 6. Add App GroupsStep 7. Run Your App and Send Yourself a NotificationStep 8. Set Custom User PropertiesStep 9. Implement a Soft-Prompt In-App Message

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iOS SDK Upgrade Guide¶

iOS SDK Upgrade Guide¶

IOS SDK - Build Apple Apps

IOS SDK - Build Apple Apps

iOS Wrapper SDK

iOS Wrapper SDK

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iOS SDK 7 Bootcamp

iOS SDK 7 Bootcamp

iOS SDK Programming: A Beginner's Guide

iOS SDK Programming: A Beginner's Guide


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