Jahanzaib Sami had come to the notice of the Indian intelligence operatives some time back for his association with senior members of ISKP in Afghanistan.(HT Photo/ Sourced)
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Sikh gurudwara attack plotter ISKP chief Aslam Farooqui admits his link with Pakistan's ISI
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Turning east: the rise of Islamic State’s Khorasan Province
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Islamic State recognizes new Central Africa Province, deepening ties with DR Congo militants
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ISKP claimed capturing weapons from Taliban following raids in Qurengal, Kunar
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Afghanistan: An ISKP outpost near Darzab district, Jawzjan province.
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ISKP, Kelompok Afiliasi ISIS yang Muncul di Afganistan
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Major ISKP terrorist plot in Quetta foiled, four terrorists killed
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Taliban Claims It Killed 5 ISKP Members in Last Night’s Operation in Kabul
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ISKP: responsible for Kabul attack, had been recruiting terrorists from India for years
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The Devil’s Proxy: ISKP in Afghanistan
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The Devil’s Proxy: ISKP in Afghanistan
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The Pakistan Connection: How ISKP Became Islamabad’s Latest ProxyThe Pakistan Connection: How ISKP Became Islamabad’s Latest Proxy
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Understanding ISKP’s Resilience in Afghanistan
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ISKP Claims Attack at Kabul University Campus
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Prophet Row: ISKP releases video threatening attacks in India
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ラグ 洗える 1畳 1.5畳 2畳 3畳 4畳 洗えるラグ おしゃれ 北欧 防ダニ 冬 床暖房対応 オールシーズン 滑り止め マット ラグマット カーペット ラグカーペット センターラグ 正方形…view page
Kabul Gurudwara attack: Indian Security agencies suspect hand of Kerala-based ISKP Kasaragod module
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ISKP terrorists in Afghanistan said to claim rocket attack on Uzbekistan
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ISKP: Pakistan’s Uncalculated Folly
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IED Awareness ISKP Releases IED Manufacturing Photo Report
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ISKP Chief's Arrest Traces Roots of Kabul Gurdwara Attack to Pakistan
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ISKP fighters photographed alongside their captured weapons after their surrender to Afghan government in November 2019. (photo: Noorullah Shirzada/AFP)
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United States Institute of PeaceUnited States Institute of PeaceUnited States Institute of PeaceBourgeois Jihad: Why Young, Middle-Class Afghans Join the Islamic StateUnited Status Instute of Peace
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ISKP’s Kashmiri militant arrested after 25 yrs in Afghanistan
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ISKP is a mounting threat to India’s regional security
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A photo released by the ISKP from the Tora Bora Mountains.
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2 Sikhs Shot Dead In Peshawar, ISKP Claims Attack
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‘ISKP will have to pay ultimate price’, US warns terror groupMost Read
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