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Images of ISKP

Jahanzaib Sami had come to the notice of the Indian intelligence operatives some time back for his association with senior members of ISKP in Afghanistan.(HT Photo/ Sourced)

Jahanzaib Sami had come to the notice of the Indian intelligence operatives some time back for his association with senior members of ISKP in Afghanistan.(HT Photo/ Sourced)

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Our Members

Our Members

Sikh gurudwara attack plotter ISKP chief Aslam Farooqui admits his link with Pakistan's ISI

Sikh gurudwara attack plotter ISKP chief Aslam Farooqui admits his link with Pakistan's ISI

Turning east: the rise of Islamic State’s Khorasan Province

Turning east: the rise of Islamic State’s Khorasan Province

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Islamic State recognizes new Central Africa Province, deepening ties with DR Congo militants

Islamic State recognizes new Central Africa Province, deepening ties with DR Congo militants

ISKP claimed capturing weapons from Taliban following raids in Qurengal, Kunar

ISKP claimed capturing weapons from Taliban following raids in Qurengal, Kunar

クリニカ アドバンテージ ハミガキ クールミント(130g*3本セット)【i7t】【u9m】【クリニカ】

クリニカ アドバンテージ ハミガキ クールミント(130g*3本セット)【i7t】【u9m】【クリニカ】

Asian Defence News

Asian Defence News

Afghanistan: An ISKP outpost near Darzab district, Jawzjan province.

Afghanistan: An ISKP outpost near Darzab district, Jawzjan province.

ISKP, Kelompok Afiliasi ISIS yang Muncul di Afganistan

ISKP, Kelompok Afiliasi ISIS yang Muncul di Afganistan

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Major ISKP terrorist plot in Quetta foiled, four terrorists killed

Major ISKP terrorist plot in Quetta foiled, four terrorists killed

KTemoc Konsiders ........

KTemoc Konsiders ........

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Taliban Claims It Killed 5 ISKP Members in Last Night’s Operation in Kabul

Taliban Claims It Killed 5 ISKP Members in Last Night’s Operation in Kabul

ISKP: responsible for Kabul attack, had been recruiting terrorists from India for years

ISKP: responsible for Kabul attack, had been recruiting terrorists from India for years

The Devil’s Proxy: ISKP in Afghanistan

The Devil’s Proxy: ISKP in Afghanistan

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【20日はポイント20倍】グロング プロテイン ホエイプロテイン 1kg ベーシック 風味付き ビタミン11種配合 GronG 置き換え ダイエット タンパク質 サプリメント アミノ酸スコア100…

The Devil’s Proxy: ISKP in Afghanistan

The Devil’s Proxy: ISKP in Afghanistan

The Pakistan Connection: How ISKP Became Islamabad’s Latest ProxyThe Pakistan Connection: How ISKP Became Islamabad’s Latest Proxy

The Pakistan Connection: How ISKP Became Islamabad’s Latest ProxyThe Pakistan Connection: How ISKP Became Islamabad’s Latest Proxy

Understanding ISKP’s Resilience in Afghanistan

Understanding ISKP’s Resilience in Afghanistan

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Asian Defence News

Asian Defence News

ISKP Claims Attack at Kabul University Campus

ISKP Claims Attack at Kabul University Campus

Prophet Row: ISKP releases video threatening attacks in India

Prophet Row: ISKP releases video threatening attacks in India

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Kabul Gurudwara attack: Indian Security agencies suspect hand of Kerala-based ISKP Kasaragod module

Kabul Gurudwara attack: Indian Security agencies suspect hand of Kerala-based ISKP Kasaragod module

ISKP terrorists in Afghanistan said to claim rocket attack on Uzbekistan

ISKP terrorists in Afghanistan said to claim rocket attack on Uzbekistan

ISKP: Pakistan’s Uncalculated Folly

ISKP: Pakistan’s Uncalculated Folly

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IED Awareness		ISKP Releases IED Manufacturing Photo Report

IED Awareness ISKP Releases IED Manufacturing Photo Report

ISKP Chief's Arrest Traces Roots of Kabul Gurdwara Attack to Pakistan

ISKP Chief's Arrest Traces Roots of Kabul Gurdwara Attack to Pakistan

ISKP fighters photographed alongside their captured weapons after their surrender to Afghan government in November 2019. (photo: Noorullah Shirzada/AFP)

ISKP fighters photographed alongside their captured weapons after their surrender to Afghan government in November 2019. (photo: Noorullah Shirzada/AFP)

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United States Institute of PeaceUnited States Institute of PeaceUnited States Institute of PeaceBourgeois Jihad: Why Young, Middle-Class Afghans Join the Islamic StateUnited Status Instute of Peace

United States Institute of PeaceUnited States Institute of PeaceUnited States Institute of PeaceBourgeois Jihad: Why Young, Middle-Class Afghans Join the Islamic StateUnited Status Instute of Peace

ISKP’s Kashmiri militant arrested after 25 yrs in Afghanistan

ISKP’s Kashmiri militant arrested after 25 yrs in Afghanistan

ISKP is a mounting threat to India’s regional security

ISKP is a mounting threat to India’s regional security

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A photo released by the ISKP from the Tora Bora Mountains.

A photo released by the ISKP from the Tora Bora Mountains.

2 Sikhs Shot Dead In Peshawar, ISKP Claims Attack

2 Sikhs Shot Dead In Peshawar, ISKP Claims Attack

‘ISKP will have to pay ultimate price’, US warns terror groupMost Read

‘ISKP will have to pay ultimate price’, US warns terror groupMost Read

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