Images of In Between (呉建豪のアルバム)
呉建豪のインスタグラム(vannesswu) - 7月30日 13時40分@gigileungwingkei and I are happy to announce @circledna is selling throughout all @hkwatsons! Our Circle DNA helps you understand what your body needs in order to function at its optimal capacity. We’re all in this together 🤙 thank you @rosewoodhongkong for hosting! #healthiswealth #knowyourbody #dnatest #circledna #circleoflife[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)mylene.medina.353It's surprising how science had evolved so much through the years. It brings both beneficial and destructive discoveries that may or may not alter lives just as we know it. The good thing is that the benefits it gives far outweigh that of the harmful effects. Circle DNA just might be an answer to a few of our health problems. A solution as you would call it by some.😃🙌👏immarychloeleelinI think I have to take this chance and opportunity to tell you that whatever is your hairstyle for me you are cutie and you are the most forever handsome guy in the wholewide world no one can replace you no one can change thatgigileungwingkeiHappy to see you the other day! All the best to you my dear friend! 😘👍🏻mosesjosephyuanHi Mr.Vanness and Gigi, good morning!You have a wonderful day !julasbabeUltra-advanced technology of DNA test,craving to do one day~👌miramus356Now that’s totally awesome..Thanks for sharing.🥰😘❤️👏🏽👏🏽>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入するdannyyeung22