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Iris in motion. #3dprinted #irisdiaphragm #aperture Aperture, Iris, Motion, Design Inspiration, Instagram, Openness, Septum, Bearded Iris, Irises
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Spiral glowing effect abstract circular color trails, abstract. Colored spiral with woven lines in the shape of a circle
Collide combines motion graphics with digital design for bold, synaesthetic art installationNewsletter
Illustration Digital Art - Motion #2 by Iris Gelbart
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large 8 door (leaf) iris for round window
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IRIS on Behance Visual Effects, Acrylic Colors, Motion Graphics, Nebula, Iris, Behance, Natural Landmarks, Photography, Instagram
Iris Photograph - Iris in Motion by Sea Change Vibes
IRIS M Update; Introducing ‘Motion Explorer’
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New Iris Motion Sensor? Version / Generation 3?
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