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Images of LHS 475 b

14Due to its tidal locking, LHS 475 b is also a feasible target for photometric thermal emissionmeasurements with JWST d...

14Due to its tidal locking, LHS 475 b is also a feasible target for photometric thermal emissionmeasurements with JWST d...

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University of Arizona astronomers 'spot a bear' on Mars

University of Arizona astronomers 'spot a bear' on Mars

The weather on this exoplanet includes metal clouds and rain made of precious gems

The weather on this exoplanet includes metal clouds and rain made of precious gems

Picture released 04 October 2006 by the

Picture released 04 October 2006 by the

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Webb-Teleskop bestätigt seinen ersten ExoplanetenWillkommen bei DER STANDARD

Webb-Teleskop bestätigt seinen ersten ExoplanetenWillkommen bei DER STANDARD

Webb Confirms Earth-Sized Planet around LHS 475

Webb Confirms Earth-Sized Planet around LHS 475



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NASA's TESS Rounds Up its First Planets, Snares Far-flung SupernovaeRelated news itemsRelated StoriesExplore Alien WorldsExoplanet Travel BureauStrange New WorldsHistoric Timeline

NASA's TESS Rounds Up its First Planets, Snares Far-flung SupernovaeRelated news itemsRelated StoriesExplore Alien WorldsExoplanet Travel BureauStrange New WorldsHistoric Timeline

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The second confirmed planet is LHS 3884b—a rocky planet about 1.3 times the size of the Earth, located nearly 49 light years away in the constellation Indus. It revolves around a cool M-type dwarf star, about 1/5th the size of our Sun. This planet is so close to its star that it may have pools of molten lava across is surface in the daytime. Credit: NASA/MIT/TESS

The second confirmed planet is LHS 3884b—a rocky planet about 1.3 times the size of the Earth, located nearly 49 light years away in the constellation Indus. It revolves around a cool M-type dwarf star, about 1/5th the size of our Sun. This planet is so close to its star that it may have pools of molten lava across is surface in the daytime. Credit: NASA/MIT/TESS

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