Huge Google Pixel 8a leak includes all the predicted specs – and a price

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Google Pixel 8a Design, Specifications Tipped via Alleged Retail Box; Could Offer 27W Fast Charging

Exploring the Upcoming Google Pixel 8a A Blend of Style and Substance1

Pixel 8a Retail Box Shows Up to Tease Us

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![「Pixel 8a」ダミーモデル登場。筐体は丸みを帯びてPixel 8に近づく可能性 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});](https://gadget.phileweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/shutterstock_2344799989.jpg)
「Pixel 8a」ダミーモデル登場。筐体は丸みを帯びてPixel 8に近づく可能性 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

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Google Pixel 8a: price, features, specs, and everything you need to know

This could be our first look at the Pixel 8a

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Google Pixel 8A 5G G6GPR 128GB Bay (8GB RAM)

Google Pixel 8a için heyecan artıyor: Performans testi ortaya çıktı!

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