Today, Rivals of Aether announced the game's third original DLC character: Sylvanos, the heart of the forest. I've done its concept art, splash art and also worked on some of the reveal trailer's panels. You can check it here: -------- Hoje, o Rivals of Aether anunciou o terceiro personagem DLC original do game: Sylvanos, o coração da floresta. Eu fiz o concept art dele, a splash art e também alguns dos paineis do trailer , que pode se... Character Creation, Fantasy Character Design, Character Design Inspiration, Character Concept, Character Art, Fantasy Creatures Art, Mythical Creatures Art, Magical Creatures, Creature Concept Art
Rivals of Aether
iPhone SE (第3世代) 64GB 本体 【国内版SIMフリー】【新品 未開封】白ロム レッド/スターライト/ミッドナイト Red/Starlight/Midnight 一括購入品…