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The Emeralds - image

The Emeralds - image

翠海的雀絲(邪惡奇幻天才大神布蘭登.山徳森超凡驚?震撼全球之作) Tress of the Emerald Sea【電子書籍】[ 布蘭登.山徳森 ]

翠海的雀絲(邪惡奇幻天才大神布蘭登.山徳森超凡驚?震撼全球之作) Tress of the Emerald Sea【電子書籍】[ 布蘭登.山徳森 ]

Finally... I've got ALL the Chaos Emeralds! (Now where to hide them...)

Finally... I've got ALL the Chaos Emeralds! (Now where to hide them...)

YES! I have all of the seven chaos emeralds POWER! MEHAHAHAHAH!!!!! (I would make a great throwaway villain for a sonic game)

YES! I have all of the seven chaos emeralds POWER! MEHAHAHAHAH!!!!! (I would make a great throwaway villain for a sonic game)


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