FIFA World Cup 2002 Korea-Japan Poster Because the tournament was to be hosted by two nations, FIFA called on one calligrapher from each to collaborate to create the poster. Byun Choo Suk (Korea) and Hirano Sogen (Japan) spent two days making various football-related brush strokes. The best ones were scanned and put together for this composition. 2002 World Cup, First World Cup, World Cup Final, World Cup Logo, Japan Soccer, World Cup Trophy, Soccer Art, Usa Soccer, Soccer World
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ルノー R202 (2002年)
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2002年の日韓ワールドカップを制したブラジル代表【写真:Getty Images】
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NFC Championship Game: Seahawks vs. Packers
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The 2002 NFL Season kicked off with some serious changes revolving around the NFL landscape. You may recall a previous article on the NFL’s 2002 Division Realignment, so if you haven’t had the opportunity to check that article out, feel free to click on the link above. So, now that we expanded to 32 teams, 2002 kicked off an era of vast uniform changes, which I’ll explain in other articles regarding the following: Nfl Season, Helmet Design, Recall, Division, Football Helmets, Opportunity, Uniform, Kicks, Articles