Historia de HTML Origenes Primer documento formal Primer Propuesta estandar HTML 2.0 W3C HTML 3.2 HTML 4.0 HTML 4.01 XHTML 1.0 WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) Retomade estandar HTML HTML 5
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Credits to dtc-wsuv.org
Hypertext- a method of organinzing information that gives the reader control over the order in which the information is presented. (Kyle Zimmerlee, 3rd Block, 1/17/14) Web Design, Kyle, Control, Design Web, Website Designs, Site Design
WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group)
US20080250027A1 - Hypertext displaying apparatus and hypertext displaying program - Google PatentsFamily
HTML5 semantics
SPACE NAIL スペースネイル ポリッシュリムーバー 1200ml 【ネイル パーツ ジェルネイル】
An Introduction To HTML5
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Useful Information to Web Developers and Designers
Y ahora dos versiones de HTML5: WHATWG y W3C
Information Design and Technology Menu Hypertext – Origins through Web 2.0 Post navigationResources SUNYIT Technologist Blog
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HCI 3e - Ch 21: Hypertext, multimedia, and the world wide web
An Introductory Web Workshop What is the Internet? What is the World-Wide Web? What is Hypertext and Hypermedia? Tools and Browsers for the Web Local Web Services at ADFA Home Pages Naming Documents: URLs Goals of the First Laboratory Session Web Search Tools Effective Browser Use Web Caches Goals of the Second Laboratory Session Conclusion Acknowledgments Glossary Country Suffixes for Internet Names
Cara Mudah Belajar Aplikasi Multimedia
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HCI 3e - Ch 21: Hypertext, multimedia, and the world wide web