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Images of Xperia J1 Compact

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格安スマホ「Xperia J1 Compact」を選ぶべき5つの理由

格安スマホ「Xperia J1 Compact」を選ぶべき5つの理由

LatestSmartphonesSony Xperia J1 Compact With 20.7-Megapixel Camera, 4.3-Inch Display LaunchedMicrosoft launches Nokia 215 Dual SIM phone with access to Internet, FacebookKarbonn Titanium Mach Two smartphone Launched at Rs 10,490How to Enable Guest Mode on Android SmartphonesEver needed tohand your Android smartphone to someone else for a while? If yes, then there'sa good chance that you were worried about how easily they could go through yourpersonal data or end up changing preferences or even deleting information likecontacts or messages.Fortunately,Android 5.0 Lollipop ships with a system-level guest mode. This lets youquickly switch to a separate guest profile that doesn't have any of yourpersonal data such as messages, installed apps or preferences. This is as goodas a fresh install of Android 5.0 Lollipop and the moment you switch back toyour Google account, all data saved in the guest mode is removed. This makes ita particularly effective way of letting someone else use your phone for awhile.Here's how to enableguest mode on Android 5.0 Lollipop.Swipe down from the top of the screen to pull down the     notifications bar.Tap your avatar on the top right twice.Now you'll see three icons - your Google account, Add guest and Add     user.Tap Add guest.Now your smartphone will switch to guest mode. This may take some     time and the phone may be slightly slow initially, but in our tests with a     Nexus 5 it worked well after a few minutes.When you're done with guest mode, you can easily revert to your     Google account. Follow steps 1 and 2 above and tap the icon that shows     your Google account. This will delete all data saved in the guest session     as well.If yoursmartphone doesn't have Android 5.0 Lollipop installed, you should check for apre-loaded guest mode. Some brands such as Xiaomi, LG, Samsung and Huaweipre-load an app that enables you to use guest mode on your smartphone.Different brands name this app differently, so look in your phone's app drawerfor apps with names similar to Kids' Mode or Guest Mode. Some Android phoneshave guest mode embedded at the system level. For example the LG G3 has a guestmode that you can access by going to Settings > General > Privacy> Guest Mode.If your phonedoesn't have this feature, the most effective way to keep your personal datasafe is by locking down certain apps. We've written a detailed guide on how to stopothers from accessing your Android apps so be sure to checkthat. If you just want to keep Google Chrome away from prying eyes, you canread our guide toenabling guestmode in Google Chrome.Microsoft Lumia 430 Dual SIM at Rs 4,400 ApproximatelyXolo LT2000 With 4G LTE Launched at Rs. 9,999

LatestSmartphonesSony Xperia J1 Compact With 20.7-Megapixel Camera, 4.3-Inch Display LaunchedMicrosoft launches Nokia 215 Dual SIM phone with access to Internet, FacebookKarbonn Titanium Mach Two smartphone Launched at Rs 10,490How to Enable Guest Mode on Android SmartphonesEver needed tohand your Android smartphone to someone else for a while? If yes, then there'sa good chance that you were worried about how easily they could go through yourpersonal data or end up changing preferences or even deleting information likecontacts or messages.Fortunately,Android 5.0 Lollipop ships with a system-level guest mode. This lets youquickly switch to a separate guest profile that doesn't have any of yourpersonal data such as messages, installed apps or preferences. This is as goodas a fresh install of Android 5.0 Lollipop and the moment you switch back toyour Google account, all data saved in the guest mode is removed. This makes ita particularly effective way of letting someone else use your phone for awhile.Here's how to enableguest mode on Android 5.0 Lollipop.Swipe down from the top of the screen to pull down the notifications bar.Tap your avatar on the top right twice.Now you'll see three icons - your Google account, Add guest and Add user.Tap Add guest.Now your smartphone will switch to guest mode. This may take some time and the phone may be slightly slow initially, but in our tests with a Nexus 5 it worked well after a few minutes.When you're done with guest mode, you can easily revert to your Google account. Follow steps 1 and 2 above and tap the icon that shows your Google account. This will delete all data saved in the guest session as well.If yoursmartphone doesn't have Android 5.0 Lollipop installed, you should check for apre-loaded guest mode. Some brands such as Xiaomi, LG, Samsung and Huaweipre-load an app that enables you to use guest mode on your smartphone.Different brands name this app differently, so look in your phone's app drawerfor apps with names similar to Kids' Mode or Guest Mode. Some Android phoneshave guest mode embedded at the system level. For example the LG G3 has a guestmode that you can access by going to Settings > General > Privacy> Guest Mode.If your phonedoesn't have this feature, the most effective way to keep your personal datasafe is by locking down certain apps. We've written a detailed guide on how to stopothers from accessing your Android apps so be sure to checkthat. If you just want to keep Google Chrome away from prying eyes, you canread our guide toenabling guestmode in Google Chrome.Microsoft Lumia 430 Dual SIM at Rs 4,400 ApproximatelyXolo LT2000 With 4G LTE Launched at Rs. 9,999

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Xperia(エクスペリア)のSONY Xperia J1 compact SIMフリー ジャンク スマホ/家電/カメラのスマートフォン/携帯電話(スマートフォン本体)の商品写真

Xperia(エクスペリア)のSONY Xperia J1 compact SIMフリー ジャンク スマホ/家電/カメラのスマートフォン/携帯電話(スマートフォン本体)の商品写真

Sony Xperia J1 Compact announced with 4.3-inch display, metal frame and 20.7MP camera

Sony Xperia J1 Compact announced with 4.3-inch display, metal frame and 20.7MP camera

Premiera Sony Xperia J1 Compact, czyli kompaktowej propozycji z dobrą specyfikacją

Premiera Sony Xperia J1 Compact, czyli kompaktowej propozycji z dobrą specyfikacją

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Xperia J1 compact を開封!IIJmioのSIMカードの入れ方と設定方法

Sony Xperia J1 Compact

Sony Xperia J1 Compact



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「Xperia J1 Compact」登場!イオンスマホ春夏モデル3機種の価格と料金プランをまとめてチェック

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recover lost data from Sony Xperia J1 Compact

recover lost data from Sony Xperia J1 Compact


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