Images of ブシャール家

🇨🇦ウージニー・ブシャール Beautiful Celebrities, Celebrities Female, Favorite Celebrities, Maria Sharapova Hot, Eugenie Bouchard, Ladies Tennis, Tennis Champion, Tennis World, Portrait

ウージニー・ブシャール直筆サイン入り超 特大写真…の商品情報 平均落札価格 3,000 円 最高落札価格 4,990 円 最低落札価格 1,009 円 平均落札価格 2,133 円 最高落札価格 4,990 円 最低落札価格 400 円
ウージニー・ブシャールさんのインスタグラム写真 - (ウージニー・ブシャールInstagram)「I’m so grateful I got to be on the same court as you. Even though I lost every time. You showed me what it means to fight, on and off the court. Ever since we met, you’ve always been so nice to me. Thank you, Serena 💕」9月4日 5時17分 - geniebouchard

Tennis Life, Tennis World, Tennis Players Female, Soccer Tennis, Tennis Match, Tennis Stars, Sport Girl, Sports Women, Fitness Women
ウージニー・ブシャールのインスタグラム(geniebouchard) - 7月18日 07時03分This is insane. How did I get to a point to deserve such a dedicated fan that they would get a tattoo of me on their body? If you told 8 year old me playing my first tournament that I would one day affect someone so much that they would permanently alter their body in my honour... I would not have believed it. And to have the chance to meet him in person! Michael told me I inspire him to do many things, like to go to work everyday, or sometimes even just to get up in the morning. Hearing this makes my heart the happiest it could ever be. Part of me also thinks you’re completely psycho Michael 🤣🤣🤣 I hope you don’t regret this! And now you are forced to be a fan for life lmao[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)jorgeherrera879You do inspire people Genie each and every day with your hard work and dedication to the sport that you love despite all the negativity aimed your way Keep it up Genie Aim high??yasirmayWow! Such a lucky fan and nice art work your are such a nice person take care and have a blessing and best day stay motivated and happy always Gorgeous Canadian beauty.vlad.duhallowThey can remove it it's easy. I think having good looking chick tattooed is the only normal think bout it hahaha lol @geniebouchard #takingnoinspiration from anybodysviwehiHey Genie, this is how dedicated your fans can be. I hope you will feel inspired and get into finals so that we can see you more often. ?dennistablizoCan you imagine how much more people you can affect if you start winning championships? I'm still a fan of a great potential...louisvarrewaereNole and Roger spent more hours on a grass court in a final than you in a whole season, Fiona ferro ?? just quit>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する
ウージニー・ブシャールのインスタグラム(geniebouchard) - 10月1日 04時44分anti-you[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する
ウージニー・ブシャールのインスタグラム(geniebouchard) - 7月21日 01時39分can’t come up with captions anymore[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入するchicagosmashwttryanlocoworldteamtennis