Click this image to show the full-size version. Native American History, American Civil War, British History, Chief Petty Officer, Ww2 Pictures, Imperial Japanese Navy, Colorized Photos, Naval Force, Navy Ships
in the Second World War, a small Yokosuka E-14Y1 [Glenn] scouting floatplane launched from the Japanese submarine I-7 conducted a reconnaissance flight over Pearl Harbor after the attack to assess damage. Later, off Oregon, the I-25 launched another E-14Y1 that, in two attacks, dropped four phosphorous bombs triggering small forest fires; other Japanese submarines used these airplanes to conduct reconnaissance flights over the Aleutians, Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar, and Africa. Japan had… Hms Prince Of Wales, German Submarines, Imperial Japanese Navy, Electric Boat, Military Artwork, Military Weapons, Yellow Submarine, Navy Ships, Panzer
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伊号第百五十六潜水艦 - Wikipedia I-156 Japan Imperial Japanese Navy, Submarines, Battleship, Lexington, Hull, Sailing Ships, Harbor, Wwii, Boat
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日本海軍伊号潜水艦 写真特集
WWII Shipwreck Explored for First Time in Almost 75 Years
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映画 『1941』
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