Everyone says I love you !参院選の最大の争点は「経済対策」39% 「憲法改正」は4%に止まる JNN世論調査参議院選挙 「必ず行く」と「期日前投票をした」59% 世論調査
福島から山口・空・海・大地#コロナ&放射能 国葬よ 何処へ?
Caricature neutralist italiana: the warring states are represented as dogs of breeds and different sizes that you quarrel Europe: each takes between the teeth a flap of the map trying to take a slice for himself, Italy is a bersagliere-hound that quiet smokes the pipa careless of the brawl of the other dogs, Postcard of propaganda, chromolithography, Italy 1914. (Photo by Fototeca Gilardi/Getty Images)