Tokugawa Iemochi (徳川 家茂) (July 17, 1846 – August 29, 1866) was the 14th shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, who held office from 1858 to 1866. During his reign there was much internal turmoil as a result of Japan's first major contact with the United States, which occurred under Commodore Perry in 1853 and 1854, and of the subsequent "re-opening" of Japan to western nations. Iemochi's reign also saw a weakening of the shogunate. 21st Century Fox, Imperial Court, Total Recall, Japanese History, Japanese Sword, Nagasaki, Commodore, Cover Photos, Martial
徳川家茂(とくがわ いえもち)
大河ドラマ『青天を衝け』 徳川家茂役:磯村勇斗さん
iPhone 16 Pro simフリー 端末本体のみ (楽天モバイル回線なし) 新品 純正 Apple 認定店 楽天モバイル公式 アイフォン…