20" X 24" Oil Painting On Canvas Hand painted oil reproduction of a famous Matisse painting, Red Room (Harmony in Red) . Originally done in 1908, today it has been carefully recreated detail by detail, color by color to near perfection. Like Picasso , Matisse is known to be one of the foremost artists of modern times. After a short bout of illness, Matisse gave up the study of law to take up painting. He was one of the pioneers of Fauvism, a style utilizing vivid color for its sensual and decora Henri Matisse, Matisse Kunst, Matisse Art, Kunst Poster, Poster Art, Print Poster, Matisse Pinturas, Museo Hermitage, Painting Art
赤白椿のハーモニー - 訪問着
よろしおすJNRJNR 青と赤のハーモニー
Nail Labo ゴールドビットセット ネイルラボ ビット ネイルマシン フィニッシャー ジェルネイル ネイル用品
ETRO|2009-10年秋冬コレクション 赤とグレーの美しいハーモニー STYLE of Biweekly(20) ギャラリー ETRO|2009-10年秋冬コレクション 赤とグレーの美しいハーモニー STYLE of Biweekly(20) ギャラリー