karışık kelimeler
English Public
by bluwy
Vocabulary List
- すっぴん(で)すっぴん(で)face with no make upnew24722
- 尻取しりとりJapanese word game played by linking words eg. 映画~学校new21654
- 自立心じりつしんspirit of self-reliance, sense of independencenew21617
- 代わり映えかわりばえchange for the betternew21616
- 案外あんがいunexpectedlynew21615
- 混ざるまざるto mixnew21614
- 旺盛おうせいfull of vim and vigor, strongnew21613
- 切り捨てるきりすてるto omit, to truncate, to discardnew21612
- 評価ひょうかevalutaionnew21611
- 日米にちべいJapan - Americanew21610
- 三角関係さんかくかんけいlove trianglenew21609
- 消費税しょうひぜいconsumption taxnew21608
- 個人主義こじんしゅぎindividualismnew21607
- 考え込むかんがえこむto ponder, to broodnew21606
- 思い切っておもいきってboldly, resolutely, daringlynew21605