Similar to アラブ石油輸出国機構
Business Process Execution LanguageBT (航空機)
Northrop BTBT-13 (航空機)
Vultee BT-13 Valiant2ストローク機関
Two-stroke engineB型肝炎
Hepatitis B▼-1 trendsB細胞
B cellB中間子
B mesonC Sharp
C Sharp (programming language)C-17 (航空機)
Boeing C-17 Globemaster IIIC-123 (航空機)
Fairchild C-123 ProviderC-130 (航空機)
Lockheed C-130 HerculesC-141 (航空機)
Lockheed C-141 StarlifterCAD
Computer-aided designCAE
Computer-aided engineeringCAM型光合成
Crassulacean acid metabolismCascading Style Sheets
COBOLCommon Gateway Interface
Common Gateway InterfaceCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureController Area Network
CAN bus50
50 (number)Template:アルジェリアの国際関係
Template:Foreign relations of Algeria赤線協定
Red Line Agreement国際石油資本
Seven Sisters (oil companies)ロンドン国際石油取引所
Intercontinental Exchange FuturesTemplate:リビアの国際関係
Template:Foreign relations of Libyaリビアのエイズ感染事件
HIV trial in Libya