Similar to コリンの戦い
BSI (ドイツ)
Federal Office for Information SecurityBT (航空機)
Northrop BTBT-13 (航空機)
Vultee BT-13 ValiantBusinessObjects
BusinessObjectsBV 222 (航空機)
Blohm & Voss BV 222 WikingB中間子
B mesonC-SPAN
C-SPANC-17 (航空機)
Boeing C-17 Globemaster IIIC-123 (航空機)
Fairchild C-123 ProviderC-130 (航空機)
Lockheed C-130 HerculesC-141 (航空機)
Lockheed C-141 StarlifterCAE
Computer-aided engineeringCAM型光合成
Crassulacean acid metabolismCBS
Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture ModerneCIPA (国際組織)
CIPA (organization)中国知網
CODASYLCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureComputer Systems Research Group
Computer Systems Research GroupConcurrent Versions System
Concurrent Versions SystemController Area Network
CAN bus50
50 (number)1349
1349 (band)Template:Campaignbox 七年戦争
Template:Campaignbox Seven Years' War: Europeanヴァールブルクの戦い
Battle of Warburg