Similar to サウスカロライナ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of New Mexicoネブラスカ州副知事
List of Lieutenant Governors of Nebraskaノースカロライナ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of North Carolinaノースダコタ州副知事
List of lieutenant governors of North Dakotaバージニア州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Virginiaバーモント州副知事
List of lieutenant governors of Vermontハワイ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii▲14 trendsフロリダ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Floridaペンシルベニア州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvaniaマサチューセッツ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Massachusettsミシガン州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Michigan▲1 trendsミズーリ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Minnesotaモンタナ州副知事
List of lieutenant governors of Montanaユタ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Utahルイジアナ州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Louisianaワシントン州副知事
Lieutenant Governor of Washington