Similar to サン・ビセンテ岬の海戦
CoffeeScriptCommon Gateway Interface
Common Gateway InterfaceCommon Lisp
Common LispCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureComponent Object Model
Component Object ModelCompuServe
CompuServeComputer Systems Research Group
Computer Systems Research GroupConcurrent Versions System
Concurrent Versions SystemController Area Network
CAN busCP-140 オーロラ
Lockheed CP-140 AuroraCP/M
CP/MCR.42 (航空機)
Fiat CR.42 FalcoCR.714 (航空機)
Caudron C.714Craigslist
Spithead and Nore mutiniesハーマイオニー (帆走フリゲート)
HMS Hermione (1782)フリュクティドール18日のクーデター
Coup of 18 Fructidorリヴォリの戦い
Battle of Rivoli