Similar to ジャーナル・オブ・オーラル・アンド・マキシロフェイシャル・サージェリー
The Modern Language JournalMycoscience
MycoscienceNucleic Acids Research
Nucleic Acids ResearchOrganic Letters
Organic LettersPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsPLOS ONE
PLOS OneProceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
Scientific Reports
Scientific ReportsSlavic Review
Slavic ReviewThe American Historical Review
The American Historical ReviewThe ISME Journal
The ISME JournalThe Journal of Slavic Military Studies
The Journal of Slavic Military StudiesThe Mathematical Gazette
The Mathematical GazetteThe Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsTransgender Studies Quarterly
Transgender Studies QuarterlyAnesthesia & Analgesia
Anesthesia & AnalgesiaAmerican Economic Review
American Economic ReviewInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Technology
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technologyエコノメトリカ
EconometricaEnvironment and Planning
Environment and Planning応用言語学 (雑誌)
Applied Linguistics (journal)応用心理言語学 (雑誌)
Applied Psycholinguisticsオクトーバー
October (journal)Organometallics
Canadian Military Journal言語学習 (雑誌)
Language Learning (journal)The Geographical Journal
The Geographical Journalシステム (雑誌)
System (journal)