Similar to ゼーブルッヘ襲撃
Common Gateway Interface
Common Gateway InterfaceCommon Lisp
Common LispCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureComponent Object Model
Component Object ModelCompuServe
CompuServeComputer Systems Research Group
Computer Systems Research GroupConcurrent Versions System
Concurrent Versions SystemController Area Network
CAN busCP-140 オーロラ
Lockheed CP-140 AuroraCP/M
CP/MCR.42 (航空機)
Fiat CR.42 FalcoCR.714 (航空機)
Caudron C.714Craigslist
CraigslistCray X-MP
Cray X-MPCRCプレス
CRISPRCromemco Z-2
Cromemco Z-2Cross System Product
IBM Cross System ProductCR多様体
CR manifold1919年ウィンブルドン選手権
1919 Wimbledon Championshipsスカパ・フローでのドイツ艦隊の自沈
Scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow11日戦争
Operation Faustschlagアラブ反乱
Arab Revolt第三次アルベールの戦い
Battle of Albert (1918)第五次イーペル会戦
Fifth Battle of Ypresオーランド侵攻
Invasion of Ålandキエフ1月蜂起
Kiev Arsenal January Uprisingキシナウの戦い