Similar to マシナリウム
Everyday Shooter
Everyday ShooterAutomachef
Bail or JailOPUS: 魂の架け橋
Opus: Rocket of Whispers怪異症候群
Katana ZERO
Katana Zero神巫女 -カミコ-
KamikoCult of the Lamb
Cult of the LambGuns of Mercy
Cannibal CuisineGraceful Explosion Machine
Graceful Explosion MachineCake Bash
Cake Bashごく普通の鹿のゲーム DEEEER Simulator
Deeeer SimulatorGolf Club: Wasteland
Golf Club: WastelandThe Way (ゲーム)
The Way (video game)The Wake: Mourning Father, Mourning Mother
The Next Penelope
The Flame in the Flood
The Flame in the FloodSayonara Wild Hearts
Sayonara Wild HeartsThe Last Campfire
The Last CampfireJust Shapes & Beats
Just Shapes & BeatsSpiritfarer
SpelunkySlay the Spire
Slay the Spireセブン・ビリオン・ヒューマンズ
7 Billion HumansCeleste
Celeste (video game)Typoman