Similar to ミサイル追跡艦
ウラル (情報収集艦)
Soviet communications ship SSV-33駆逐艦母艦
Destroyer tender軍隊輸送船
Troopshipシボニー (ID-2999)
USS Siboney (ID-2999)宿泊艦
Barracks shipAS-28
Russian deep submergence rescue vehicle AS-28AS-34
Russian submarine AS-34プリズ級深海救難艇
Priz-class deep-submergence rescue vehicle深海救難艇
Deep-submergence rescue vehicle新兵収容艦
Hulk (ship)#Receiving hulk水雷母艦
Torpedo boat tenderスループ
Template:Rating system of the Royal Navy潜水艦救難艦
Submarine rescue ship潜水母艦
Submarine tenderピジョン級潜水艦救難艦
Hospital ship標的艦
Target shipミサイル防衛
Missile defenseAL-1 (航空機)
Boeing YAL-1AN/SPY-6
Long Range Discrimination RadarDSP衛星
Defense Support ProgramGBI (ミサイル)
Ground-Based Midcourse DefenseJ/FPS-5
MANTIS Air Defence SystemSM-3 (ミサイル)
RIM-161 Standard Missile 3S-500 (ミサイル)
S-500 missile systemSM-6 (ミサイル)
RIM-174 Standard ERAM