Similar to リシン_(毒物)
Mi-24 (航空機)
Mil Mi-24Microsoft Office
Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft OneNote
Microsoft OneNoteMicrosoft Outlook
Microsoft OutlookMicrosoft Windows
Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows 2000
Windows 2000Microsoft Windows 7
Windows 7Microsoft Windows 8
Windows 8Microsoft Windows 95
Windows 95Microsoft Windows 98
Windows 98Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
Windows MeMicrosoft Windows NT
Windows NTMicrosoft Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012Microsoft Windows Vista
Windows VistaMiranda
Miranda (programming language)MITメディアラボ
MIT Media LabMMX
MMX (instruction set)MP3
MS-DOSNerve Software
Nerve SoftwareNFWO
National Fund for Scientific ResearchNIMBY
NYSE EuronextOMA (建築設計事務所)
Office for Metropolitan ArchitectureOutlook Express
Outlook ExpressPeripheral Component Interconnect
Peripheral Component InterconnectPERT
Program evaluation and review technique