Similar to 世界
Africa Cloud
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentAGH科学技術大学
AGH University of KrakowAjax
Ajax (programming)AK-47
AK-47▼-4 trendsAndroid (オペレーティングシステム)
Android (operating system)Apache HTTP Server
Apache HTTP ServerApache Subversion
Apache SubversionArduino
ARM architecture family▲1 trendsAssociation for Computing Machinery
Association for Computing MachineryASTMインターナショナル
ASTM InternationalATTAC
Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens' ActionAWK
AWKB-52 (航空機)
Boeing B-52 StratofortressBASIC
BRAC (organisation)BtoBマーケティング
Industrial marketingB型肝炎
Hepatitis BB細胞
B cellC Sharp
C Sharp (programming language)CAE
Computer-aided engineeringCascading Style Sheets
CeBITChemical Abstracts
Chemical Abstracts ServiceCIAM
Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture ModerneCIPA (国際組織)
CIPA (organization)COBOL
COBOL▲1 trends