Similar to 冀察政務委員会
Communications Clique中華民国第1回国会議員選挙
1912 Chinese National Assembly election国民大会
National Assembly (Republic of China)国民投票 (中華民国)
Referendums in Taiwan護国戦争
National Protection War五・三〇事件
May Thirtieth Movement五四運動
May Fourth Movement五族共和
Five Races Under One Union国共合作
First United Front国権回復運動 (中国)
Constitutional Protection Movement察南自治政府
South Chahar Autonomous Government三・一八事件
March 18 Massacre三民主義
Three Principles of the People三民主義青年団
CC Clique上海クーデター
Shanghai massacre秋収蜂起
Autumn Harvest Uprising遵義会議
Zunyi Conference蔣介石政権
Articles of Favourable Treatment of the Great Qing Emperor after His Abdication新青年 (中国)
New Youth親中華民国派
Pro-ROC camp晋北自治政府
North Shanxi Autonomous Government西安事件
Xi'an Incident▲1 trends制憲国民大会
National Constituent Assembly (Republic of China)西山会議派
Western Hills Group政事堂国務卿