Similar to 原子力砕氷船
BlackBerry Bold
BlackBerry BoldBlackBerry PlayBook
BlackBerry PlayBookBLS (企業)
BLS AGBluetooth
Bluetooth▼-1 trendsBorder Gateway Protocol
Border Gateway ProtocolBP (企業)
Business Process Execution LanguageBRAC
BRAC (organisation)BT (航空機)
Northrop BTBT-13 (航空機)
Vultee BT-13 ValiantBtoBマーケティング
Industrial marketingBusinessObjects
BusinessObjectsブローム・ウント・フォス BV 138
Blohm & Voss BV 138 SeedracheBV 141 (航空機)
Blohm & Voss BV 141BV 155 (航空機)
Blohm & Voss BV 155BV 222 (航空機)
Blohm & Voss BV 222 WikingB型肝炎
Hepatitis BC-17 (航空機)
Boeing C-17 Globemaster IIICAC ワイラウェイ
CAC WirrawayCAD
Computer-aided designCAE
Computer-aided engineeringCLU
CLU (programming language)CODASYL
CODASYLCommon Lisp
Common LispCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Object Request Broker Architecture1349
1349 (band)砕氷船
List of icebreakers