Similar to 呼吸調節
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Colorless green ideas sleep furiouslyCommon Desktop Environment
Common Desktop EnvironmentCompact Pro
Compact ProCompound Document Format
Compound Document FormatTemplate:Computer algebra systems
Template:Computer algebra systemsComputer-Mediated Communication
Computer-mediated communicationContainer Linux
Container LinuxConTeXt
ConTeXt利用者:Corvus splendens/試訳中記事1
利用者:Corvus splendens/試訳中記事4
機械換気 (医学)
Mechanical ventilation気管支拡張薬
Acute respiratory distress syndrome橋 (脳)
Arterial blood gas test高度が人に与える影響
Effects of high altitude on humans呼吸機能検査
Pulmonary function testing呼吸数
Respiratory rate最大酸素摂取量
VO2 max酸素中毒
Oxygen toxicity酸素飽和度
Oxygen saturation (medicine)心肺フィットネス
Cardiorespiratory fitnessスパイロメトリー
Cough center炭酸脱水酵素
Carbonic anhydrase低酸素症
Hypoxia (medicine)デスゾーン
Death zone