Similar to 商務庁長官
Secretary of State in the Cabinet Office内務大臣 (イギリス)
Home Secretary筆頭国務大臣
First Secretary of Stateビルマ大臣
Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom法務長官 (イギリス)
Attorney General for England and Wales北部担当国務大臣
Secretary of State for the Northern Department無任所大臣
Minister without portfolioランカスター公領大臣
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster陸軍・植民地大臣
Secretary of State for War and the Colonies陸軍大臣 (イギリス)
Secretary of State for War法務大臣 (イギリス)
Secretary of State for Justiceイーデン準男爵
Eden baronetsパリ国立歌劇場管弦楽団
Orchestre de l'Opéra national de Paris