Similar to 尿細管性アシドーシス
CLS (コマンド)
CLS (command)CMAC
Active-pixel sensorCMYK
CMYK color modelCNNエスパニョール
CNN en EspañolCOCO
CocoCode Excited Linear Prediction
Code-excited linear prediction利用者:Codfish2005/作業場4
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Colorless green ideas sleep furiouslyCommon Desktop Environment
Common Desktop EnvironmentCompact Pro
Compact ProCompound Document Format
Compound Document FormatTemplate:Computer algebra systems
Template:Computer algebra systemsComputer-Mediated Communication
Computer-mediated communicationContainer Linux
Container LinuxConTeXt
ConTeXt利用者:Corvus splendens/試訳中記事1
利用者:Corvus splendens/試訳中記事4
Counter with CBC-MAC
CCM modeCover Flow
Cover FlowNew Ballard スコア
Ballard Maturational AssessmentSGA児
Small for gestational age間質性肺気腫
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema臍帯カテーテル
Umbilical line周産期母子医療センター
Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome新生児一過性多呼吸
Transient tachypnea of the newborn