Similar to 庚寅之劫
Dungan Revolt (1862–1877)三藩の乱
Revolt of the Three Feudatories清・ジュンガル戦争
Dzungar–Qing Wars清露国境紛争
Sino-Russian border conflicts太平天国の乱
Taiping Rebellion▼-1 trends羅禅征伐
Battle of Hutong (1654)丙子の乱
Qing invasion of Joseon広州大虐殺 (唐代)
Guangzhou massacre沙基事件
Shakee Massacre永嘉の乱
Disaster of Yongjia済南事件
Jinan incident上海クーデター
Shanghai massacre張献忠
Zhang Xianzhong通化事件
Tonghua incident▼-1 trends通州事件
Tongzhou mutiny天京攻防戦
Third Battle of Nanjing天京事変
Tianjing incident宮古島島民遭難事件
Mudan incident揚州十日記
Yangzhou massacre1048576
First Opium Warアロー戦争
Second Opium War▲2 trendsイギリスのチベット遠征
British expedition to Tibet義和団の乱
Boxer Rebellion▲1 trends義和団の乱における名誉勲章受章者の一覧
List of Medal of Honor recipients for the Boxer Rebellion金田蜂起
Jintian Uprising号軍