Similar to 歯根嚢胞
P-3 (航空機)
Lockheed P-3 OrionP-19 (レーダー)
P-19 radarPARRY
PEOPisaster ochraceus
Pisaster ochraceusPLU
Price look-up codePower Macintosh G3 (Blue & White)
Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White)PPS短機関銃
PPS submachine gunPro Cinema
Pro CinemaProtoreaster lincki
Protoreaster linckiPseudoceros dimidiatus
Pseudoceros dimidiatusPubChem
R33-class airshipRadeon Instinct
AMD InstinctRaft (アルゴリズム)
Raft (algorithm)Redbird trains
Redbird trainsRetroArch
RM-51RS-24 (ミサイル)
RS-24 YarsRuf・CTR アニバーサリー
Ruf CTR AnniversaryRUF・CTR2
Ruf CTR2Run Length Limited encoding
Run-length limitedR・プレマダーサ・スタジアム
R. Premadasa StadiumSamsung Galaxy Note 9
Samsung Galaxy Note 9Samsung Galaxy Tab S8
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2Schema for Object-Oriented XML
Schema for Object-Oriented XML