Similar to 血管外科学
A-20 (航空機)
Douglas A-20 HavocA-12 (偵察機)
Lockheed A-12AARP
AGH University of KrakowAH-64 (航空機)
Boeing AH-64 ApacheAjax
Ajax (programming)American Society of Landscape Architects
American Society of Landscape ArchitectsAndroid (オペレーティングシステム)
Android (operating system)Arduino
ARM architecture family▲2 trendsAssociation for Computing Machinery
Association for Computing MachineryASTMインターナショナル
ASTM InternationalAtmel AVR
AVR microcontrollersATTAC
Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens' ActionAWK
AWKB-2 (航空機)
Northrop B-2 SpiritB-17 (航空機)
Boeing B-17 Flying FortressB-24 (航空機)
Consolidated B-24 LiberatorB-25 (航空機)
North American B-25 MitchellB-29 (航空機)
Boeing B-29 SuperfortressB-52 (航空機)
Boeing B-52 StratofortressBAC TSR-2
BAC TSR-2Basic Input/Output System
Industrial marketingB型肝炎
Hepatitis BCAD
Computer-aided design1
1▲1 trends