Similar to 頸横動脈
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery咬筋動脈
Masseteric artery後硬膜動脈
Posterior meningeal artery後耳介動脈
Posterior auricular artery後耳介動脈アブミ骨枝
Stapedial branch of posterior auricular artery後耳介動脈後頭枝
Occipital branch of posterior auricular artery後篩骨動脈
Posterior ethmoidal artery甲状頚動脈
Thyrocervical trunk後上歯槽動脈
Posterior superior alveolar artery後頭動脈
Occipital artery後頭動脈胸鎖乳突筋枝
Sternocleidomastoid branches of occipital artery上行咽頭動脈
Ascending pharyngeal artery上行口蓋動脈
Ascending palatine artery上甲状腺動脈
Superior thyroid artery上甲状腺動脈舌骨下枝
Infrahyoid branch of superior thyroid artery上甲状腺動脈腺枝
Glandular branches of the superior thyroid artery上甲状腺動脈胸鎖乳突筋枝
Sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery上甲状腺動脈輪状甲状枝
Cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery上喉頭動脈
Superior laryngeal artery上鼓室動脈
Superior tympanic artery上唇動脈
Superior labial artery深耳介動脈
Deep auricular artery中大脳動脈
Middle cerebral artery内頸動脈
Internal carotid artery第39独立自動車化狙撃旅団
39th Separate Guards Motor Rifle BrigadeNuss法
Nuss procedureアイザックス症候群
Carotid body