Similar to Apple_Store
ロビンフッド (企業)
Robinhood Marketsロンリープラネット
Lonely PlanetWorkFlowy
WhatsAppApple Push Notification Service
Apple Push Notification serviceGenius Bar
Genius Bar2014年iCloudからの著名人プライベート写真大量流出事件
2014 celebrity nude photo leakITunes Ping
ITunes PingApple Arcade
Apple ArcadeIAd
ICloud▲1 trendsIDisk
IDiskApp Store
App Store (Apple)Apple Account
Apple AccountApple Developer Connection
Apple DeveloperAppleでサインイン
Sign in with AppleApple Fitness+
Apple Fitness+Apple Music
Apple MusicApple One
Apple OneApple Car Project
Apple car projectApple Card
Apple CardGame Center
Game Centerショートカット (Apple)
IOS 12#Screen TimeMac App Store
Mac App StoreMobileMe
MobileMeLook Around (Apple)
Look Around (Apple)