Similar to Open_Source_Applications_Foundation
Harmonic and Individual Lines plus Noise
Harmonic and Individual Lines and NoiseHarmonic Vector Excitation Coding
Harmonic Vector Excitation CodingHigh-Speed Downlink Packet Access
High-Speed Downlink Packet AccessIBM Information Management Software
IBM Information Management SoftwareIBM Magnetic Tape/Selectric Typewriter
IBM MT/STICD-10 第3章:血液および造血器の疾患ならびに免疫機構の障害
ICD-10 第18章:症状、徴候および異常臨床所見・異常検査所見で他に分類されないもの
ICD-10 第21章:健康状態に影響を及ぼす要因および保険サービスの利用
IEEE Tokyo Young Researchers Workshop
Initiative for Open Authentication
Initiative for Open AuthenticationInnovative Optical and Wireless Network
Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG
INOKI GENOME 〜Super Stars Festival 2011〜
Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement
Institute for Dynamic Educational AdvancementIntel Integrated Performance Primitives
Integrated Performance PrimitivesIntelligent Platform Management Interface
Intelligent Platform Management InterfaceInter-Client Communication Conventions Manual
Inter-Client Communication Conventions ManualInterior Gateway Routing Protocol
Interior Gateway Routing ProtocolInterNational Cyber Security Center of Excellence
International Fighting Championship
International Image Interoperability Framework
International Image Interoperability FrameworkInternational Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
International Journal of Computational Geometry and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Geometry
International Journal of GeometryInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry
International Journal of Quantum ChemistryInternational Journal of Transgender Health
International Journal of Transgender HealthInternational Powered Access Federation
International Society for Philosophical Enquiry
International Vale Tudo Championship
International Vale Tudo Championship