Similar to SN_2008D
SN 2008D
SN 2008DPTF11kx
SN 2006jc
SN 2006jc(418265) 2008 EA32
2008 CT1
2008 HJ
2008 HJ2008 LC18
2008 LC182008 TC3
2008 TC32008 TS26
2008 TS26APM 08279+5255
APM 08279+5255超新星
List of supernovae超新星の観測史
History of supernova observation超新星候補の一覧
List of supernova candidatesKISSプロジェクト
Timeline of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and supernovaeFailed supernova
Failed supernovaIax型超新星
Type Iax supernovaIa型超新星
Type Ia supernovaIb・Ic型超新星
Type Ib and Ic supernovaeII型超新星
Type II supernovaIRAS 00500+6713
IRAS 00500+6713PS1-10afx
SN 185
SN 185SN 1000+0216
SN 1000+0216SN 1006
SN 1006SN 1054
SN 1054