Similar to Template:仮名の画像
Template:Hiero/SerechTemplate:Infobox hieroglyphs
Template:Infobox hieroglyphsTemplate:Infobox WS
Template:Infobox writing systemTemplate:Letter other reps
Template:Letter other repsTemplate:Letters with acute
Template:Letters with breve
Template:Letters with caron
Template:Letters with cedilla
Template:Letters with circumflex
Template:Letters with diacritic
Template:Navbox letters with diacritic templatesTemplate:Letters with diaeresis
Template:Letters with dot
Template:Letters with double acute
Template:Letters with double grave
Template:Letters with grave
Template:Letters with hook
Template:Letters with hook above
Template:Letters with horn
Template:Letters with inverted breve
Template:Letters with macron
Template:Letters with ogonek
Template:Letters with ring
Template:Letters with smooth breathing
Template:Number other reps
Template:Old Persian cuneiformTemplate:Punctuation marks
Template:Punctuation marksTemplate:Rn
Template:Roman numeral