Similar to Template:CURRENTJULIANDAY
Template:Age in years and days nts
Template:Age in years and days ntsTemplate:Age in years and months
Template:Age in years and monthsTemplate:Age in years, months, weeks and days
Template:Age in years, months, weeks and daysTemplate:Age nts
Template:Age ntsTemplate:As of
Template:As ofTemplate:Beginning-dow-of-year
Template:Birth based on age as of date
Template:Birth based on age as of dateTemplate:Birth date
Template:Birth dateTemplate:Birth-date
Template:Birth date textTemplate:Birth-date and age
Template:Birth-date and ageTemplate:CENTURY
Template:DATEDIFF2Template:Day count to DHMS
Template:Day count to DHMSTemplate:Day Countdown
Template:Day CountdownTemplate:Day-of-week-string
Template:Days from now
Template:Days from nowTemplate:Days in month
Template:Death date
Template:Death dateTemplate:Death date and age
Template:Death date and given age
Template:Death date and given ageTemplate:Death year and age
Template:Death year and ageTemplate:Death year and age/sandbox
Template:Death year and age2