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おはよう! Let's learn!

Resources I suggest:

http://tinyurl.com/yattabroadcast /// Grooveshark broadcasting of my favorite japanese pop, rock, and anime music.

http://realkana.com /// Learn hiragana and katakana - I suggest trying with different fonts if you're already good at them

http://www.tofugu.com/japanese-resources-old/hiragana42 /// Learn Hiragana with funny mnemonics

http://japanese.gatech.edu/WebCTVista/JAPN1001/contents/Lesson02/katakana/mnemonic-katakana.html /// Learn Katakana with funny mnemonics

http://www.renshuu.org /// Study and quiz kanji and vocab, or meanings and readings as well

http://manythings.org/japanese /// Collection of flash tests and kana/kanji/vocab learning, etc cetera

http://readthekanji.com /// Kana and VOCAB kanji study within sentences (learning vocab ≠ learning kanji)

http://gzstorm.com/lets-learn-japanese-deluxe /// Free software for kana and kanji / vocab by grades. You can unlock more by donating $1.

https://www.erin.ne.jp /// Really fun and detailed skits that provide Kanji, Kana, Romaji and English translations (selectable by you)

www.kanjidamage.com /// Silly (and slightly offensive) way to learn Kanji by the radicals

http://fsi-language-courses.org/Content.php?page=Japanese /// Student Module PDFs appear to be taught by a class.

http://imabi.net /// Japanese superhighway - covers everything you would ever need to know. You'll learn something new even in the kana section

http://playinfluent.com /// Steam game where you are placed inside a home and learn every single item within view. $10, and very thorough

http://realkanji.com /// TEST your kanji knowledge, not easy to learn from

http://sharedtalk.com /// Talk with native Japanese speakers, ask questions, or test your fluency!

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hu.danieleff.kanji_quiz /// Free android app uses spaced repetition to teach you kanji and vocab by JLPT N5-1 or, by grades 1-6. It motivates you with percentages of how much you've completed.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.rodriguez.kanjisenpai.android /// Free android app that forces you to know spelling of a kanji by tricking you with similar spelling of kanji! It motivates you to play 10 minutes a day with charts of your learning.

http://hukumusume.com/douwa/index.html /// Japanese children's website

http://chokochoko.wordpress.com/the-great-library /// Example stories for JLPT test

http://www.scribd.com/collections/2478398/Genki /// Genki books online

http://ankisrs.net /// Flash card software. I suggest getting Japanese Coach DS vocabulary, as well as other premade flashcards.

>>> https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/3183175196 /// My Japanese Coach Vocabulary Anki - Beginners

>>> https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2663289652 /// Genki 1&2 vocabulary Anki - Intermediate

>>> https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/4271439873 /// Japanese Core 2000 Step 01 Listening Sentence Vocab + Images Anki - Advanced

Good luck!


grade A+
222/2153 vocabularies learned

grade A
122/2032 kanji learned


grade N/A
0 vocabularies learned


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