Hi there, my name is Austin. I'm a regular guy trying to carry out at least one of his hopes and dreams in life. One of those dreams happens to be living in Japan for a little while (more specifically Tokyo) to take in some culture and face some of the many fears that have haunted me my entire life. I am dedicated to making this one dream come true, I have lived in the same house my entire life and I have only ever been to one other state, and the people here are selfish. I want to get a way from all the negativity I live with and take in a culture that is all about respect. (Of course I just heard Japanese people very respectful from the thousands of YouTube videos I've watched of people telling stories about when they lived, studdied abroad, or currently are living in Japan.) Of course I want to see all of the beautiful women there too, but other than that the language is absolutely the most beautiful language I have ever heard in my life. I don't care if I can't understand a word you're sayin, if you're speaking to me in Japanese I will stand there and listen in aw like an idiot for hours. If I could have anything in this world, I want to speak Japanese.
grade B
199/2153 vocabularies learned
grade C
78/2032 kanji learned
grade N/A
0 vocabularies learned
0 public notes created
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