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Hello Everyone! My name is Staling but you all can call me Zuzanno...

I joined this site because I'm really interestedin learning Japanese and this is the most complete and useful tool I've found to achieve it, the best part of it? It's free! I will try to support the site by donating every time I can.

By now I don't dedicate too much time to this neither I'm really good at speaking Japanese but that is because most of my time I spend it working so I try to spend part of my free time learning Japanese! besides that I'm also now giving my best to learn the language as I want to have fluent conversations with a workmate!

Hope to make good friends and study companions here! Add me as a friend if you want to talk to me! I'll try to be as friendly as possible and so we could study together anytime!


grade A
550/2153 vocabularies learned

grade B+
296/2032 kanji learned


grade D
5 vocabularies learned


0 public notes created
0 notes reviewed

EXP Earnings


Montenegro MontenegroMaleAug 3 1999
Lv 3Max Combo 38Rank 4852
EXP 23277 / 27000
Joined on Aug 9 2017