(exp) to beat a grand champion
(adv) like a lord
(exp) to be frank with you
to tell you the truth
(n) Japanese iris
blue flag
Iris ensata
(n) not be worried about anything
(exp) that's probably so
(exp) to attend school
(v5u) to have dealings with
to be involved in
(n) udon noodles in broth (no trimmings)
(v5u) to split the account
(exp) to be worth it
to do pay
(exp) to settle one's account
to pay a bill
(exp,v5u) to win favour
to win favor
(v5u) to get involved or entangled in
to get mixed up in
to have something to do with
to have dealings with
(v5u) to get involved or entangled in
to get mixed up in
to have something to do with
to have dealings with
(exp,v5u) to win the favour of (favor)
to be acknowledged (e.g. by a superior)
to measure up to
(exp,v5u) to win the favour of (favor)
to be acknowledged (e.g. by a superior)
to measure up to
(exp,v5u) to meet the standard
(exp) to make a display of one's originality (eccentricity)
to deliberately act oddly (e.g. to get attention)
(exp) to solicit donations
(exp) to meet someone's requirements
to meet expectations
to go along with what somebody wants
(exp,v5u) to live up to (one's) expectations
(exp) to handle a tool
to work a machine
(exp) to pay attention to another's needs
to attend to
to fuss about
to take into consideration
(exp) to be possible to occur
(exp) to frequent tirelessly
(v5u) to carry on (work)
(adv) before long
(v5u) to get involved or entangled in
to get mixed up in
to have something to do with
to have dealings with
(exp,v5u) to pay respect (to)