(v1,vt) to write out or down
to finish writing
(n) matrimonial quarrel
(v1,vt) to comb back
(v1,vt) to make a sale of government property
(n) articles disposed of or sold off by the government
(adv) with curious eyes
(v1,vt) to blow up (i.e. wind)
to blow upwards
to spout into the air
(exp) to raise an army
(n) devaluation
(v1) (1) to knit
(2) to compile
to edit
(v1) (1) to knit
(2) to compile
to edit
(n) lace-up boots
(v1,vt) to hold up in one's arms
(v1) to hurl up
(v1,vt) to throw
to fling
to heave
to toss
(v1,vt) to finish sewing
(v1) to praise to the skies
(exp) hollow-cheeked
(exp) hollow-cheeked
(exp) to open a book
(v1,vt) to polish up
to shine up
(exp) to gain fame
to make one's name
(exp) to gain fame
to make one's name
(exp) to gain fame
to make one's name
(exp) to gain fame
to make one's name
(exp,v1) to give one's life (e.g. in battle)
to devote one's life (e.g. to a cause)
(adj-na) unguarded
(n) fried potato (incl. French fries, chips, croquettes, etc.)
(n) faultfinding
(exp) to spread wings