(v1) (comp) to start (something)
to boot (a computer)
(exp) to cite an example
(v1,vt) (1) to knead well
(2) to polish
to refine
(v1,vt) (1) to knead well
(2) to polish
to refine
(v1,vt) (1) to knead well
(2) to polish
to refine
(exp) to improve one's skill
(v1,vt) (1) (uk) to fabricate
to invent
to make up (a story)
to hoax
to pull a hoax
(2) to frame someone
(v1,vt) (1) to knead thoroughly
to work up
(2) to concoct
to make up
(v1,vt) to twist
to distort
(v1,vt) to twist hard
(v1,vt) to splash
to raise
(exp) to get angry
to become perverse
(v1) to shoulder (palanquin)
(adv,n) finally
in the end
on top of all that
(n) Annunciation Day
Lady Day
(v5u) to guffaw
(exp,v5k) to vomit
to throw up
(exp) because of this
thanks to this
due to this
(v1,vt) to dip or scoop up
(v1) to roll up or pull up (sleeves, skirt, etc.)
(v1) to take a pinch of something (e.g. salt)
to pick up in one's fingers
(v1,vt) (1) to hang up
to hoist
(2) to denounce
to subject someone to a kangaroo court
(v1,vt) (1) (uk) to fabricate
to invent
to make up (a story)
to hoax
to pull a hoax
(2) to frame someone
(exp) How could I (you, etc.) ...?
How dare you (they, etc.) (have the nerve to) ...?
(exp) How could I (you, etc.) ...?
How dare you (they, etc.) (have the nerve to) ...?
(exp) to grow a beard
(exp) to get angry
to become perverse
(v1) to tuck (e.g. sleeves)
to roll up
(v1) to lift
to turn over
to fold over
(n) spoon bending