(exp) (obsc) riding a horse so skillfully that it appears as if man and horse have become one
(exp) (obsc) riding a horse so skillfully that it appears as if man and horse have become one
(exp) as a general rule
(adj-i) of established reputation
(exp) too lazy to do anything
(n) (comp) stored message fetching
(exp) along comes a sucker just begging to be parted from his money (lit: a duck comes carrying an onion)
(exp) to be brief and to the point
to be succinct
(exp) (hon) please remember me
please help me
please treat me well
(exp) there is little to choose between the two
they're both about the same
(exp) (id) Art is long, life is short
(exp) (id) Easier said than done
(n) (comp) pushdown storage
stack (storage)
(exp) have no hesitation in stating (declaring)
(exp,v5u) to say time and time again
to say till you're blue in the face
(exp,v5u) to say time and time again
to say till you're blue in the face
(n) (comp) state-of-the-art
(exp) to have something (likely) come to mind
(n) (comp) removable storage
(exp) too lazy to do anything
(exp) to grant a petition
(exp) good manners even between friends
(exp) (id) A hedge between keeps friendships
(exp) good manners even between friends
(exp) (id) Water seeks its own level
(n) rematch due to overlong (over 10 min) sumo bout
(n) (comp) pushup storage
(exp) expression meaning that genius shows from childhood (lit: the Japanese bead tree is fragrant from when a sprout)
(exp) (id) It is easy to start an enterprise but difficult to maintain it
(n) (comp) emergency eject hole